Buuky as a Service
Buuky for Confluence Cloud
1 € per User per month
10 € per User per year
Buuky is the easy and affordable desk sharing solution. Our pricing is simple and transparent.
Working station, parking lot, meeting room booking
Office Analytics
Integrations with Microsoft etc.
User Price per user
0-200 1€
201-500 0,80€
501-1000 0,70€ ...
Annual license: Book 12 month,
pay 10
Room booking and collaboration Wiki - the perfect symbiosis.
Use Buuky as plug-in
for Confluence.
11-100 1€
101-250 0,80€
250-1000 0,70€
from 20001 User only 0,20€!
Just use it
Buuky as a Service does not require any installation, you can use Buuky via any browser from desktop or mobile.
You can install the Buuky App for Atlassian Confluence with just a few clicks via the Atlassian Marketplace.